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Format Of The Configuration Files

Since the config files are text files, most parts of them should be obvious. String values are always enclosed in `"', and non-printable characters as well as `=' and `"' are encoded quoted-printable. Boolean values are stored as `Y' or `N', enumerated values are stored verbatim, except values of user-defined enumeration variables (see section Defining Variables), which are stored as ordinal values, starting from 0.

Entries describing windows consist of:

(*) 0 if nothing marked.

Entries describing tools and variables (see section Tools), consist of the same items as in the dialog boxes under `Options/Tools' (see section The Menu Entry `Options/Tools') and `Options/Variables' (see section The Menu Entry `Options/Variables'), in the same order.

Because the config files are text files, you can edit them with any text editor (including PENG itself, of course), e.g., to copy some tools you have created or merge someone else's tools.

If `Options/Editor2/Use lock files' (see section The Menu Entry `Options/Editor2/Use lock files') is turned on, PENG will also create a lock file for the active config file to prevent problems when editing those as text files with PENG or vim.

However, PENG will not complain if it can't create the lock file for the default global or local config file because of lack of write permissions -- the directory of the global default config file is usually not writable by a normal user, and some people like to have their home directory not writable to prevent "dot file pollution"...

If your home directory is writable, you will be warned if you start two PENG sessions using your local config file: the first one will create a lock file for it and the second one will notice the existing lock file and report it to you. This is intentional because the two instances of PENG might overwrite each other's settings.

So, in this case, you're better off using separate config files for the different PENG instances. You can keep common settings in your default config file (and change them by invoking PENG without arguments), and the different settings of the different instances (e.g., information about opened windows, project specific tools or other settings) in the separate config files.

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