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Special Notes About The DJGPP (Dos) Version

This chapter describes some things to note when running PENG under Dos. If you want to run PENG under Dos, please read it. If you're running PENG on other systems only, you can safely skip this chapter.

First of all, if you want to read the PENG online documentation (and I guess you do :-), you might have to set up the `INFOPATH' environment variable first:

If you have DJGPP installed, copy the file `peng.info' (see the list of files in the binary distribution) into `%DJDIR%\info', and add some lines like the following to your `%DJDIR%\djgpp.env':

--- cut ---

--- cut ---

(The second line should be identical to the one in the `[info]' and/or `[emacs]' sections.)

If you don't have DJGPP installed, copy `peng.info' (see the list of files in the binary distribution) to some arbitrary directory (say, `c:\usr\info'), and point the environment variable `INFOPATH' to that directory, e.g. with a statement like the following in your `autoexec.bat':

set INFOPATH=c:\usr\info

On Dos systems without "long" file name support, you might have to rename `peng.info' to `peng.inf', which your archive extractor probably will have done automatically. (Oh yeah, 9 characters is so terribly long, ROTFL... ;-)

The DJGPP version is functionally mostly identical to the Unix versions, with a few limitations imposed by Dos, like lack of multitasking, so you can't start PENG tools in the background. To use the DJGPP version of PENG, you do not have to install the DJGPP Dos extender itself (though this is certainly recommended if you still have to use Dos). The files provided in this archive should be sufficient to run PENG under Dos. However, you might want other DJGPP tools for certain functionality, such as the `gunzip' uncompressor to read compressed info files. DJGPP is available from SimTel/DJGPP mirrors around the world, e.g., from ftp://ftp.uni-paderborn.de/pub/simtelnet/gnu/djgpp/. If you encounter any problems, you might want to read the DJGPP FAQ, available, e.g., at ftp://agnes.dida.physik.uni-essen.de/gnu-pascal/djgpp/faq211b.zip.

The following files which are part of DJGPP, not of PENG, are distributed with the DJGPP versions of PENG for your convenience. If you have installed DJGPP, you've probably got those files already.

A DPMI server that PENG can use. PENG can also use the DPMI server that comes with recent Dos versions, but in my experience, `cwsdpmi' often works better. If you want to use it, just copy it to somewhere in your `PATH'.
The documentation of `cwsdpmi'.
A DJGPP utility for I/O redirection. PENG itself does not need it, but it will try to use it (transparently) when executing PENG tools that use bash style redirections like `&>' or `2>'. Therefore, it is recommended to install `redir.exe'. To do so, just copy it to somewhere in your `PATH'.

Some of the built-in PENG tools were written mainly for Unix systems. Most of them should work under DJGPP as well, provided the programs and utilities used by the tools (e.g. `grep', `sed', GNU textutils, and in particular `bash', all available in the DJGPP distributions) are installed, but this has not been tested yet. The `latexmsg' script, used by a few of the tools, might work on a DJGPP system with `bash' and `LaTeX' installed, but I cannot test this currently. If you try any of these things, please tell me about your results.

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